IETA Membership

IETA Membership

Annual membership in the Idaho Education Technology Association is individual.

IETA is a non-profit organization and its operating activities are funded solely through membership fees. Your continued support of IETA is greatly appreciated.

The purpose of the Association shall be promoting and facilitating the use of technology in Idaho education. The Association shall promote, facilitate and sustain technology and all its users while enhancing the education of Idaho’s students for tomorrow’s technology.

Any Idaho K-12 public school employee or public school district appointed representative who is desirous of promoting the interest of the IETA and sharing in its work shall be eligible for membership and may be an active member paying the annual dues as provided in the Bylaws. An active member shall be entitled to vote, hold office, participate in all activities of the Association, and receive publications and other services of the Association.

Active members are also invited to attend regional meetings. IETA is divided into 6 regions and each region holds informative meetings about utilizing technology in education. These meetings usually have State Department of Education updates, vendors showing how to best utilize their products, and districts collaborating on technology use.

For more info about IETA:

Membership will be available via conference registration, or you can purchase membership below

Become a member